Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Winter Blahs? Not Me!

Research and Reading

I have continued to do well on my new eating, vitamin, and supplement regime. I would like to take it "up" a notch. To do this, I have done the following:

  1. Purchased a few books which have lead to more changes.
  2. Begun applying the KonMari method to my home. This has already reaped benefits. I have only completed the first category and I already have experienced a better attitude, sparked some creative projects, and brought some positive energy my way. I have experienced a recent increase in the number of job postings that I am truly interested in and some projects in the form of web design work.
  3. Made an appointment to see a functional medicine practitioner. I was thrilled to find one with 45 minutes of my home. The appointment is next week. I anticipate she will be putting me on a strict diet and have been grocery shopping with this in mind. I'm not buying my usual snack foods.


I have purchased the following books:

  • the life changing magic of tidying up: the Japanese art of decluttering and organizing by Marie Kondo (finished) and I immediately bought...
  • Spark Joy: an illustrated master class on the art of organizing and tidying up by Marie Kondo - (currently reading)
  • The Autoimmune Solution by Amy Myers, M.D. (currently reading)
  • The Immune System Recovery Plan by Susan Blum, M.D., M.P.H.
  • Wake Up Happy by Michael Strahan 

Somewhere along the line, my research lead me in the direction of autoimmune disorders. The changes I made initially to get my digestive system healthy made such a dramatic difference in how I felt made me think something wasn't right in the first place. A few changes in diet made this big a difference? A friend told me about Amy Myers, M.D. and I looked into her research a bit more. She was a pioneer in functional medicine. Diet can trigger autoimmune responses, but it can also put them into remission. It sparked the epiphany that I was on to something with the autoimmune disorders and diet.

Amy Myers has a very strict diet to follow initially. I haven't reached the details yet in my reading, but it prompted me to make the appointment with a functional medicine practitioner. I have had gastric bypass surgery and I need high amounts of protein, don't absorb nutrients as well, and felt I needed some one on one guidance.

Winter Blahs 

Winters in Michigan are long, dark, and cold. It is common for everyone to start feeling down in January and February. I am usually not the exception. Add the fact that you are unemployed and fruitlessly job searching and facing rejection you would expect to be depressed. This is why I purchased Wake Up Happy. I expected to be depressed and thought I would be preemptive. The book was listed on a "feel good" book list and I bought it with some of my Christmas money.  So far I haven't needed to read it. 

I want to read it, I am still interested in improving my outlook and I am not usually a morning person. I can be grouchy in the morning. I am looking forward to reading it, just haven't had a lot of reading time with the additional job opportunities I am applying for and the web page work. All good.

I am so grateful I have managed to remain positive and optimistic this winter!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Feeling Great

I continue to be amazed at how my change in diet has improved my health. It is dramatic. I feel great.


I have tweaked some ingredients in my smoothie and it is all working.

Whey Protein Powder
Hemp Protein Powder
Swiss Chard
Chia seeds
Bananas (when available)

I love the strawberry/banana combination and have not tired of it. I look forward to it daily.

I had some consistency issues when I added hemp protein powder and chia seeds. The hemp and chia thicken the smoothie. I couldn't get it through the straw the first time I tried it. This is why I added the whey back in and increased the amount of kefir I make. I also cut back to one tablespoon of the chia seeds. I add organic milk if I think there may be an issue, but haven't had a problem since the first day.

Hemp Protein Powder

I have switched my brand of turmeric pills to a supplement that includes coconut oil and pepper. You need the coconut oil to best absorb the turmeric.

I like the hemp protein powder for several reasons.

  • First, I had read somewhere that whey protein is absorbed quickly and may cause you to get hungry shortly after your smoothie. I found this to be true. But, the Isopure has 25 grams of protein in half a serving (compared to hemp at 14 grams) and that is hard to give up.
  • Second, hemp is high in fiber, magnesium and iron. I am chronically anemic so the iron is necessary. The fiber and magnesium are a bonus.
  • Third, it sticks with you longer. I am not getting hungry as soon after as I was with the whey only recipe. Now, instead of 2 hours, it last as long as 4 hours.
  • Lastly, little or no taste. I could not taste a difference in my smoothie when I started adding it.

My food allergy to citric acid appears to have disappeared. I have eaten food I haven't been able to enjoy for years. Hot dogs, sweet and sour sauces, lemon water, and pineapple.

Golden Paste

I have even started my dog on a turmeric based paste, called Golden Paste, that increased the bounce in her step within two days. I tried adding it to my smoothie yesterday, but felt I could taste it. Not sure if I will continue adding it or not.

 I have my cat eating coconut oil and it has cleared up her skin rashes. She licks it off my finger. I am not sure how I can get her to eat GP, but I will look into it.

Friday, October 30, 2015


My energy is still wonderful. Sometimes I feel like I can't keep up with myself. Occasionally, I am over-doing it.
I went to the doctor on Wednesday for some neck pain. I believe I injured it well working on the gazebo last weekend getting it winterized.
I posted previously about my pants being tight and I had hoped it was bloating. Nope. The doctor 's scale has confirmed I've gained 6 pounds. Not traumatic, but needs to be addressed. 
I am thinking that my improved digestive health has increased my absorption of nutrients and calories! I am going to eliminate Greek yogurt from my daily smoothie and try to cut down snacking. 
Unfortunately, just thinking about doing that has increased my snacking. Irony!
Also, I am reaching the end of my digestive kit supplies that I was taking to jumpstart my digestive health. Going to stop that and not reorder at this time. I may eliminate Kombucha from my morning ritual and apple cider vinegar from evenings once it's gone. I'm hoping the 1-1.5 cups a day of kefir will maintain my digestive health.
I realize I need to increase my activity, however, heading into a Michigan winter is not the time for me to get outside and do more. My husky dog would like nothing better. I may need to consider yoga again. Hopefully I can fit it into the budget.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Feeling awesome!

I sent the following update to my Nutrametrix representative today in response to her email inquiry.

I'm doing great and continue to improve. My pain is greatly reduced and my energy levels are so high I am amazed. Many activities that used to drain me, don't any longer. My mind feels clearer. My overall attitude has improved also. I feel this is especially important as I am unemployed and jobhunting still. :)  I also feel like I am sleeping better and rising earlier without being groggy. 

In addition to the Nutrametrix vitamins and Digestive kit, I have made only a few changes to my diet. These are in keeping with my first goal of improving my digestive health.

- Mornings- Kombucha 
- Lunch is a daily protein smoothie of approx 70 G protein. Also includes flaxseed, kale and recently added kefir that I am making myself and introducing slowly 
-Normal dinner
-  starting to eat more organic ingredients whenever possible. Also, slowly eliminating processed foods, snacks, and preservatives.

Side note: I feel like I've been doing less snacking and been more active. Therefore, I was puzzled when I feel like my pants are tighter! I don't own a scale, so I don't know if it is weight gain or bloating. I  have been adding digestive elements so it may be bloat. Kinda hope that's what it is.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Increased Energy, Decreased Pain

I am questioning almost everything these days. 

I feel wonderful and I am ecstatic about this. The entire reason I started this is because I was concerned about my cognitive thinking. I just was having trouble thinking in general and wanted to do something about it. My brain felt sluggish and foggy. I purchased a supplement that was supposed to help with this. 

Light Bulb
But then I realized; even if I'm taking all the right supplements, my digestive system may not be absorbing them effectively. I've had weight-loss surgery and that cuts down on the amount of absorption my body is capable of and I was concerned about my digestive health. I wanted to improve my nutritional absorption 

My energy is a pleasure to welcome back into my life. I am getting more done and not paying dearly for my efforts. Surprisingly, I am socializing more. I used to dread this to the point of avoiding people and avoiding making plans. Now I am seeking out company and chatting happily. I am questioning this. Am I really an introvert? Why am I suddenly not needing as much time to recharge? And I think this is because socializing no longer exhausts me! I've done more socializing in the last two weeks then I probably have in the last six months! 

I am exercising more often and for longer periods of time. By exercise, I mean I am walking and doing more. Nothing structured! I am hoping to begin yoga again this winter.

Why Do I Have More Energy?
My increase in energy is due to several factors. The isotonic vitamins I am taking now are more readily sorb by my body and I am feeling it.

I have also made changes to my diet to allow my body to absorb more nutrients than before. I am taking digestive enzymes and probiotics. I am drinking fermented (kombucha and apple cider vinegar) beverages. I am drinking lemon water which is something I never thought I would be able to do. Before, any amount of citric acid or citrus would cause me to get cold sores. 

I have begun daily protein smoothies and this has increased my protein overall. This has increased my protein intake by 70 g per day. My current recipe includes Greek yogurt and skim milk but I purchased kifer grains and plan to substitute it for those two ingredients in the future.

I continue to try and eat organic foods whenever possible. Especially when it comes to improving and feeding my digestive track. I enjoy kale, a prebiotic, in my daily smoothies. I also include flaxseeds, a powerful antioxidant. I think this is a major contributor to lifting the fog and the pain. Was my food and eating habits contributing to my pain? What was causing the pain? Is it inflammation?

With a few exceptions, my pain levels are decreasing to the point that I sometimes forget to take my medicine on time. I am questioning my reluctance to give up my pain medicine. I still take the same amount as I was prior to this. As I said, there are some exceptions. For example, yesterday I went for a one hour walk in hilly terrain and cleaned the back yard. I was sore in the evening and took some acetaminophen in addition to my regular 4x day medicine. To my thinking, in this case, my increase in energy has resulted in a natural increase in pain. The still doesn't answer my question about my reluctance to give up my pain medicine. Is part of me is afraid that backing down will result in the pain coming back to its previous level? Is it habit or a mental dependence?

I have also figured out that there are trigger foods. Foods that I eat that will cause pain with in an hour or so of me eating them. So far I have found pizza and potato chips to be to trigger foods. Yes, two of my favorite foods! Of course! But, as a result of discovering the triggers, I have not had pizza in weeks. Surprisingly, a bag of potato chips will now last 10 days rather than two. 

Why Do I Have Less Pain?
I am not sure the reason that these foods have triggered the increase in pain. My initial thought was the amount of preservatives but it also could be sodium. I am thinking further discoveries of trigger foods may help me narrow this down.

The fog and sluggishness have lifted from my brain. I am no longer as concerned about my cognitive thinking. Sometimes have trouble with decision-making but I think I will continue to improve and this will be taken care of. Some of this may be natural! :-)

Baby Steps 
I continue to believe in "baby steps". I have been introducing changes slowly so I can evaluate the effects to my body. For example, I'm having a great deal of difficulty with the Apple cider vinegar. I have to dilute it so much in order to drink it. Perhaps I can incorporate it into my smoothies but, would that dilute it's benefits? Wondering if that is something I should just set aside for the time being?

Long Term
I am wondering how much of this I will be able to continue once I start working again. My morning routine has become pretty elaborate! Between my coffee (I have decided that's not going to change!), the vitamins, the beverages and the timing and order I'm taking them, it is sometimes 10-11am before I will eat.  Sometimes I forget something and cannot go back to it because, for example, the kombucha has to be drank before you have any food. At least I'm not hungry. And this brings up another good point, I am not feeling deprived in any way.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Day 3

Day 3: at least I think it is Day 3. I have lots of energy and no appetite. 
Sipped my Kombucha and lemon water this morning. Fixing myself a salad for a late lunch and first meal of the day. Added the kale and the dandelion greens again today and did without the egg. Added walnuts, sesame seeds, and flaxseed. Made the salad much smaller than yesterday and managed to eat all of it.
 Going to try and make a point to eat something before 3 o'clock in the afternoon tomorrow!
Dinner was white chili.
I had my favorite gluten-free and molasses cookies with skim milk for dessert.
I am not in this to lose the weight and I am not planning on trying, but if that's a side effect I'm fine with it!
I am considering raw almonds and pumpkin seeds for future evening snacking. I always seem to want something when knitting and watching television. The almonds I can eat plain and the pumpkin seeds could be sweetened or salted to satisfy which ever I needed at the time. Maybe I will hit Pinterest for ideas?

Friday, September 18, 2015

Nutritional Baby Steps


I lead a relatively healthy lifestyle. Especially, compared to what I used to live. I am post gastric bypass (2003) and have kept off the weight. At that time I gave up sugar, carbonation, juices, and high fat foods. I occasionally have bread, but, for the most part I try to eat high-protein. My doctor gave me a goal of 90 g of protein a day. That is not easy to do with your amount of food that I can consume in a day.  I added strawberry/banana protein smoothies, which I love! I recently bought a Nutrabullet and am starting to add flaxseed to my protein drinks. I also try to walk at least three times a week and love to participate in a yoga class when budget allows, but I'm not a saint. 

So what's the problem you're thinking?

 I have chronic pain. I am fortunate that mine is relatively mild and does not interfere with daily living and work. Lately, I feel irritable, and forgetful. Yeah, some of that is to be expected however maybe there something I can do about it. A few months ago I added turmeric to my supplements and had an almost immediate improvement. Still have pain, and the other things I mentioned, so I've decided to change up a few things in my lifestyle (again) and try and improve the way I feel some more!

What prompted this?

Again, as I mentioned, I have pain, and have felt irritable and forgetful. I am also unemployed and have been for three years. Yes, this will add to or be part of this problem - but it also means that I have time to do the research and change my lifestyle. It's a perfect opportunity!

The other evening I went to a free wellness workshop that with offered at the local township hall by one of the yoga instructors. It was a general wellness talk with the opportunity to purchase supplements from the presenter. It was a very soft sell so it wasn't annoying in any way. The presenter was very knowledgeable. I picked up several new tidbits. But mainly what I walked away with was a new resolve and conviction that I can improve the way I feel. 
Part of the presentation she offered free samples during the presentation. At the time I refuse them because they contained citric acid. I would have to do more research to find out how much before I could try them. She did offer a sample for me to take home and evaluate.
The free sample that she gave us contained a small amount of citric acid which I'm allergic to in that it will give me cold sores. This seems to be getting worse over time and I can tolerate it less and less. Since I already had a cold sore, I decided to try it anyway. It was a powder to mix with water to form an isotonic solution that I will break down for you on another post. I mixed it with a glass of water about 10 o'clock in the morning. It was amazing. I had good energy all day and low hunger. The big thing: I forgot to take my pain medicine before I went to bed. And I did not reach for my pain medicine first thing the next morning. Nothing has ever happened that quickly! I may consider a 30 day supply and see if there's any residual effects to the citric acid. 

In the meantime, I wanted to do some research on organic foods that I could introduce to my diet that would help in other ways.
I knew I would have to do some research in order to know where to start. There is an abundance of information and experts out there and I didn't know where to begin. I posted on Facebook that I was looking for other Facebook pages about nutrition that would help me learn more about feeling better and living organically. I had a huge response with suggestions and even some dietary suggestions. This morning, I wasted no time researching kale and dandelion greens and by afternoon I was at the local organic produce store making my first purchase.

Priority 1

Basically, I decided that the first thing I need to prioritize is my digestive health. If I cannot absorb the nutrients then I'm just wasting my time and money and getting no benefit. My thinking is: I have to get my digestive track working right and that will make me feel better and absorb more nutrients. 
Absorption is also a priority because I am post gastric bypass and have absorption issues in the first place. I already have to take a handful of supplements and vitamins each day because I can't absorb what I need by eating alone. I will write all of them down in another post on another day. Recently, I've added Vinpocetine 10mg 2x a day in my initial effort to improve my memory and cognitive health and I want to be able to keep track as I go through this process.

I don't want my first post to be a book but I did want to get something down that would remind me about several things I need to focus on as a part of this process. There are things I need to address, evaluate, research and try. For example, another thing I want to discuss in a later post is the lack of quality in our vitamins and supplements and how difficult it is to find a good one. I have replaced a few of mine but still working on that process as well.

I want to feel better and live healthier.
Hey, we all want to feel better, don't we?